§ 112-4. Minimum requirements for spaces.
Minimum number of parking spaces. There shall be provided, at such time as a building permit is issued for the erection, alteration or use change of a structure, off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following minimum requirements:
Bowling alley: Five parking spaces for each lane;
Business or professional office, studio, bank, medical or dental clinic: Three parking spaces plus one additional parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area over 500;
Church, theater, auditorium (except school), sports arena, stadium or gymnasium: One parking space for each four seats or bench seating spaces;
Community recreation center, library, museum or art gallery: Ten parking spaces plus one additional space for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet. If an auditorium is included as a part of the building, its floor area shall be deducted from the total and additional parking provided on the basis of one space for each four seats that it contains;
Dancehall, assembly or exhibition hall without fixed seats: One parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area used thereof;
Fraternity, sorority or dormitory: One parking space for each three beds;
Furniture or appliance store, hardware store, wholesale establishment, machinery or equipment sales and service, clothing or shoe repair or service shop: Two parking spaces plus one additional parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area over 1,000;
Hospital: Four parking spaces plus one additional parking space for each four beds;
Hotel: One parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one parking space for each 400 square feet of commercial floor area contained therein;
Industrial plant: The number of parking spaces required to accommodate all plant employees and construction forces on any single shift;
Mortuary or funeral home: One parking space for each 50 square feet of floor space in slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms;
Motor vehicle sales room or car lot: One parking space for each 500 square feet of sales floor area with a minimum of three parking spaces;
Private club, lodge, country club or golf club: One parking space for each 150 square feet of floor area for every five members, whichever is greater;
Restaurant, nightclub, cafe or similar recreation or amusement establishment: One parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area;
Retail store or personal service establishment, except as otherwise specified in this section: One parking space for each 200 square feet of retail sales or floor area;
Roominghouse or boardinghouse: One parking space for each sleeping room;
Sanitarium, convalescent home, home for the aged or similar institution: One parking space for each six beds;
School, elementary: One parking space for each ten seats in the auditorium or main assembly room or one space for each classroom, whichever is greater;
School, secondary, and college: One parking space for each eight seats in the main auditorium or three spaces for each classroom, whichever is greater;
Tourist home, cabin or motel: One parking space for each sleeping room or suite;
Townhouse and two-family dwellings: 2¼ spaces per dwelling unit.
Multi-family dwellings (three or more dwelling units):
SpacesUnit Size 1.0 each one bedroom or efficiency up to 500 square feet in size 1.5 each one bedroom apartment 500 square feet or greater in size or with two or more bathrooms 1.75 each two bedroom apartment regardless of size 2.0 each three bedroom regardless of size 3.0 each apartment greater than three bedrooms (23)
Vehicle or boat repair business, including, but not limited to those defined in section 102-136 and automobile repair, major and minor as defined in the Unified Land Development Code: One space for each service bay, plus one space for every 300 square feet of building floor area.
Additional parking spaces for guests. In addition to the minimum number of parking spaces provided for in subsection (a) of this section, there shall be provided, at such time as a building permit is issued for the erection, alteration or use change of a structure, additional off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following minimum requirements:
Townhouses: Ten percent of the number parking of spaces required in subsection (a)(21).
Two-family dwellings: Ten percent of the number of parking spaces required in subsection (a)(21).
Multifamily dwellings: Ten percent of the number of parking spaces required in subsection (a)(22).
All dwelling units of a townhouse, two-family dwelling or multifamily dwelling must have at least one parking space as required in subsection (b)(1) within 300 feet measured by the walking distance on sidewalks or along the street or driveway from the parking space to the nearest entrance to the dwelling unit.
all parking required by this subsection (b) must be on the same site as the townhouse, two-family dwelling or multifamily dwelling.
Bicycle parking. One bicycle rack (to accommodate three or more bicycles) per residential building and at the community facilities shall be installed and maintained. The bike rack shall be located not in a sidewalk and not in a required parking space but shall be located so as to provide the ability of the bike user to walk on a sidewalk or along with street to access the bicycle rack.
Sidewalks from parking spaces. Sidewalks connecting all parking areas to residential and to community buildings shall be provided and maintained. Where the sidewalks cross driving aisles (driveways) crosswalks and/or alternate paving materials shall be installed.
(Code 1967, § 19½-1; Ord. No. 2275, § 2, 7-28-77; Ord. No. 11,128, § 1, 6-11-09; Ord. No. 12,798 , §§ 1, 2, 2-26-15)